Debiting in real time
The Debiting in Real Time (DRT, in Spanish) which was launched in 2005. It is intended for individuals and juridical persons offering goods or services and in need of doing some kind of collection from their own bank. The procedure may be done regardless of the place both parties are geographically speaking, and of the bank they have their account with.
To use this service, an automatic debiting authorization from the debtor’s Cuenta Iban is required, so that the operation may be subsequently sent for collection.
The client must do the procedure to obtain the debiting authorization periodically.
The charge for this service depends on the bank where it is done. Each bank has established its own fees, which may be consulted in the Fees and Charges section, under "Fees charged by Financial Entities".
Opportunity to use the service
The Debiting in Real Time service may be used for any collection that needs to be confirmed, so as to ensure that funds are received. This service is more often used to collect tariffs to bring imported merchandize into the country.
Working hours
The amounts of collected transactions sent on any given day are confirmed or rejected in real time by the entity debiting the amount, and funds are actually credited in real time on the date of the transaction.
Example of use
Custom duties are an example of collections done by means of this service.
The following steps are taken in this cases:
• The customs agent presents the papers to the General Directorate of Customs (GDC) which, after reviewing the document, sends a debit through SINPE.
• The order is received by the custom agent’s bank. This document serves as an authorization for the procedure, and as proof that the amount in question is available in the account.
• Then the financial entity approves or rejects the operation in real time. If rejected, the GDC informs the agent of the reason why it was turned down, and the agent should take the necessary steps for its subsequent processing. If approved, the merchandise is released to the agent, and the GDC will have the funds from the operation in real time, on the same day the operation is processed.
Related documents
• System of Payments Regulations (spanish)