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  • Digital Signature

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The enactment of Law 8454 on certificates, digital signatures and electronic documents, provided the juridical foundation for the issuance of Digital Signature Certificates in the country, granting digital signatures and electronic documents legal equivalence and the same evidentiary status as handwritten signatures and physical documents.

The Banco Central de Costa Rica has created a Certifying Authority for issuing digital signature certificates for private individuals (CA SINPE - Private individual), and another one for issuing certificates for corporations (CA SINPE- Corporation). Both certifying authorities belong to the National Hierarchy of Registered Certifiers, and are duly registered and authorized to operate by the Digital Signature Certifying Office of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications (MICITT), which is responsible for administering and supervising the national digital certificate system.

In this section, you will find relevant information that will help you become familiar with each of these types of digital signature certificates, their requirements, and the procedures that you must follow to obtain them.

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