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Fees specified in the Payment System Regulations

Fees are published in the Payment System Regulations and are enforceable in all entities associated with SINPE. Among these fees are the amounts for monthly affiliation with each Sinpe service, as well as costs per transaction that must be paid to the BCCR and to the entity requesting or receiving the operation (receiving entity).



BENEFICIARY (Fee in Colones)

Monthly subscription

Charge per Transaction



*Destination Entity

Transfer of Founds to Third Parties (TFT)


₡80,00 each

Does not apply

Real-Time Debit (DRT)


₡40,00 each

₡10,00 each

Check Clearing and Liquidation (CLC)




Charge to the Originating Entity


₡2.750,00 each

Does not apply

Charge to the Receiving Entity


₡2.750,00 each

Does not apply

Direct Credit Compensation (CCD)


₡10,00 each

₡70,00 each

Direct Debit Compensation (CDD)


₡10,00 each

₡10,00 each

Authorization for Automatic Debit (ADA)


₡50,00 each

₡50,00 each


* Monthly affiliation fee - BCCR: Cost per month paid by entities to the BCCR for the use of each of the services a customer has affiliated with the SINPE.

* Charge per transaction - BCCR: Cost per month for each one of the transfers carried out in each one of the services.

* Charge per transaction - Receiving Entity: Cost that the entity must pay every month to the entity processing its debit or credit requests through SINPE, for the use of its human and technological resources.​

* The rate is in effect since the Regulation published on September 9, 2020 and since that year it has increased annually by ₡250 each year.​