| | Ver documento | Monetary Policy Regulations (Spanish) | Monetary Policy Regulations | 11/12/2024 | BCCR |
| | Ver documento | Regulations on Cash Exchange Operations (Spanish) | Rules regulating cash exchange operartions are laid down, along with the provisions that the agents performing them are bound by, as part of the regular conduct of their businesses so they may profit from their intermediation in the exchange market, pursuant to the provisions in BCCR Organic Law. | 18/10/2024 | BCCR |
| | Ver documento | BCCR Autonomous Regulations for Services (Spanish) | Regulates public and private employment relationshihps between BCCR, including Fully Autonomous Bodies, and its officials and collaborators. | 13/05/2024 | BCCR |
| | Ver reglamento | Reglamento para las operaciones de crédito de última instancia en moneda nacional del Banco Central de Costa Rica (spanish) | Normar los términos, condiciones y el trámite de la solicitud del crédito de última instancia en moneda nacional al Banco Central de Costa Rica, así como la administración y recuperación de estas operaciones.
| 07/05/2024 | BCCR |
| | See document | Reglamento operativo y de funcionamiento de BOLCOMER BOLSA DE COMERCIO, S.A. (Spanish) | Reglamento operativo y de funcionamiento de BOLCOMER BOLSA DE COMERCIO, S.A. | 17/04/2024 | BCCR |
| | Ver documento | System of Payment Regulations (Spanish) | Organization and operation of the National System of Electronic Payments (SINPE) is regulated,under the administration of BCCR, to promote efficiency and the normal operation of Costa Rica's system of payments. | 23/01/2024 | BCCR |
| | Ver reglamento | Card Regulations (spanish) | | 23/01/2024 | BCCR |
| | Ver documento | Reglamento de gestión de viajes al exterior del Banco Central de Costa Rica | El presente Reglamento tiene como objetivo regular el conjunto de competencias del Banco Central de Costa Rica en la gestión de viajes al exterior. | 25/07/2023 | BCCR |
| | https://edicion.bccr.fi.cr/en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_uso_vehiculos_propiedad_BCCR_ODM.pdf | Regulations on the use of vehicles owned by Banco Central de Costa Rica and its Fully Autonomous Bodies (Spanish) | Regulates the use of vehicles owned by BCCR and its Fully Autonomous Bodies, as well as everything relating to the transportations of persons, materials, and equipment. | 17/07/2023 | BCCR |
| | Ver documento | Regulations on the Approval of Changes in the Budget of BCCR, FAB, and CONASIFF (Spanish) | Mechanisms are laid down to regulate changes in the budget of BCCR and its Fully Autonomous Bodies, pursuant to the Regulations on Changes in the Budget of Public Bodies, and Town Councils. | 11/07/2023 | BCCR |
| | Ver documento | Políticas específicas para la gestión presupuestaria en el Banco Central de Costa Rica (Spanish) | Políticas específicas para la gestión presupuestaria en el Banco Central de Costa Rica, las cuales se encuentran sujetas a la Norma Técnica sobre Presupuesto Públicos 2.1.3 de la Contraloría General de la República. | 04/07/2023 | BCCR |
| | See document | Pautas de Funcionamiento y Operación de la Comisión de Estabilidad Financiera (Spanish) | Pautas de Funcionamiento y Operación de la Comisión de Estabilidad Financiera | 24/03/2023 | BCCR |
| | See document | Reglamento de Gestión de Operaciones de Mercado (Spanish) | Su objetivo es regular las siguientes clases de operaciones: operaciones en mercados de liquidez, operaciones en mercados de deuda, operaciones en mercado secundario de bonos del Ministerio de Hacienda y operaciones electrónicas directas. | 03/03/2023 | BCCR |
| | Ver reglamento | Reglamento de Adquisición de Numerario (spanish) | Establece las condiciones bajo las cuales se rige la adquisición del numerario (monedas y billetes) en el Banco Central de Costa Rica para cumplir con la función esencial establecida en el artículo 3 de su Ley Orgánica, Ley 7558. | 02/02/2023 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Comite_Auditoria.pdf | Auditing Committee Regulations (Spanish) | Guidelines for the organization, operation, and responsibilities of the Auditing Committee are laid down. | 13/01/2023 | BCCR |
| | See document | Reglamento para el trámite por parte del sector público, del dictamen del Banco Central de Costa Rica para la contratación de endeudamiento interno y externo, así como de líneas de crédito de corto plazo | Reglamento para el trámite por parte del sector público, del dictamen del Banco Central de Costa Rica para la contratación de endeudamiento interno y externo, así como de líneas de crédito de corto plazo | 08/07/2022 | BCCR |
| | See document | Collective agreement between the Central Bank of Costa Rica and its workers | Collective agreement between the Central Bank of Costa Rica and its workers | 19/01/2022 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Politicas_Gestion_Reservas_Internacionales.pdf | International Reserves Management Policies (Spanish) | Policies for International Reserve Management | 06/12/2021 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Org_Func_Auditoria_Interna_BCCR.pdf | Regulations on the Organization and Operation of BCCR's Internal Auditing (Spanish) | Administrative and technical regulations are laid down as regards the organization and functioning of BCCR's Internal Auditing Department. | 17/08/2021 | BCCR |
| | Ver documento | Policy on Integral Risk Management (Spanish) | Definition of the Integral Risk Management Policy | 15/04/2021 | BCCR |
| | Ver documento | Regulations of the BCCR Risk Committee (Spanish) | Regulations of the BCCR Risk Committee | 15/04/2021 | BCCR |
| | Ver reglamento | Reglamento de Coordinación Bancaria (spanish) | Reglamento de la Comisión de Coordinación Bancaria para la designación de los representantes del Sistema Bancario Nacional ante el Consejo Directivo del Programa Integral de Mercadeo Agropecuario y la Junta Directiva de CORBANA.
| 16/09/2020 | BCCR |
| | Ver reglamento | Reglamento para la adquisición de compras menores del Banco Central de Costa Rica y los Órganos de Desconcentración (spanish) | La Caja Chica es el medio establecido para efectuar compras de bienes y servicios para gastos menores indispensables, cuya ejecución es de carácter excepcional, cuyo monto se gira a través de transferencia electrónica, de acuerdo con lo previsto en la Ley de Contratación Administrativa y su Reglamento. | 10/06/2020 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Central_Directo_BCCR.pdf | Regulations for Central Directo (Spanish) | Regulates the organization and operation of Central Directo's web portal, developed by BCCR for monetary and exchange trading. | 13/12/2017 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_contra_hostigamiento_sexual_BCCR.pdf | Regulation against sexual harassment (Spanish) | Regulations against sexual harassment in the BCCR are approved | 19/05/2016 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Tramite_Denuncias_Invest_Prelimin_BCCR_ODM.pdf | Regulations on the Procedures for Preliminary Investigation and Reporting at BCCR and its FABs (Spanish) | Establece los procedimientos a seguir por el BCCR para la investigación de situaciones y denuncias de asuntos de | 19/05/2016 | BCCR |
| | Ver reglamento | Reglamento contra el hostigamiento sexual en el Banco Central de Costa Rica (spanish) | Aprobación del Reglamento contra el hostigamiento sexual en el Banco Central de Costa Rica. | 19/05/2016 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Metodologia_tasas_inversiones_financieras_entidades_publicas.pdf | Metodologia-fijación tasas de captación e inversiones entidades públicas | Aplica a bancos públicos y entidades públicas del Estado-Directriz 18-H publicada en La Gaceta del 3-12-2014 | 06/11/2015 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_uso_Plaza_Cultura.pdf | Regulations for the use of facilities at the Plaza de la Cultura | The Foundation for managing the Museos del BCCR shall ensure that the activities authorized in the space of the Plaza de la Cultura comply with the provisions of current regulations. | 10/03/2015 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_interno_contratacion_administrativa_BCCR.pdf | Internal Administrative Contracting Regulations (Spanish) | Issued pursuant to existing provisions in the Administrative Contracting Law and all other related laws. | 02/07/2014 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Codigo_Gobierno_Corporativo_BCCR.pdf | Code of Corporate Governance of the Central Bank of Costa Rica (Spanish) | It is mainly intended to ensure transparency in the relations amongst the various organizational levels and citizens. | 27/09/2012 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_emision_monedas_conmemorativas_BCCR.pdf | Regulations on Issuing Commemorative Coins by BCCR (Spanish) | BCCR on the Issuance of Commemorative Currency | 16/08/2012 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Codigo_Etica_BCCR_ODM.pdf | Code of Ethics for BCCR and Fully Autonomous Bodies (Spanish) | The purpose is to have an objective basis to guide the conduct of the persons this Code applies to, concerning interactions with organizational interests, values, and objectives. | 10/12/2010 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Organizacion_Interna_BCCR_ODM.pdf | Regulations on Internal Organization between the Central Bank and its Fully Autonomous Bodies (Spanish) | The following are among its main objectives: To regulate administrative services provided by BCCR to Fully Autonomous Bodies; to define instruments to establish criteria on quality, timeliness, and cost-saving, thereby ensuring satisfaction in service delivery. | 28/01/2010 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Estudios_Postgrado.pdf | Regulations on Graduate Studies for BCCR Staff (Spanish) | BCCR will have a graduate program of studies for its staff, including specialized schools or institutions, both within and outside the country, provided they meet the standards of excellence and recognition within the country or overseas. | 15/12/2009 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Ley_Sistema_Banca_Desarrollo.pdf | Regulations on the Development Banking System Law (Spanish) | It ensures that members, operations, and beneficiaries of the Development Banking System are able to understand their rights, duties, and responsibilities. | 30/04/2009 | Costa Rica |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Pago_Disponibilidad_BCCR.pdf | Regulations on Payment of BCCR On-Call Staff (Spanish) | It is primarily intended to outline and regulate staff availability system, whereby the Institution is ensured to receive the services of academically and technically qualified staff to immediately address any situation affecting back-up information, telecommunications, and electricity services it provides. | 30/04/2009 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Firma_Digital_Ley_No8454.pdf | Regulations to Law on Digital Certificates, Digital Signatures and Electronic Documents, No. 8454 (Spanish) | Implementation of the Law of Certificates, Digital Signatures, and Electronic Documents is regulated. | 24/04/2008 | Costa Rica |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_imparc_Obj_Probidad_Funciones_BCCR_ODM.pdf | Regulations on Fairness, Objectivity and Integrity of BCCR & FABs Staff (Spanish) | The aim is for BCCR to regulate based on the principles of impartiality, objectivity, confidentiality, and probity that are to be applied to members of its Board of Directors, of the National Council of Financial System Oversight (CONASSIF) as well as in the day-to-day work of the staff of BCCR and its Fully Autonomous Bodies. | 10/10/2007 | BCCR |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Ley_Administ_Financiera_Republic.pdf | Regulations on the Financial Administration Law of the Republic (Spanish) | Enforcement of the Law on Financial Administration and Public Budgets is regulated, by developing the principles and procedures to be used by the entities and bodies constituting the Financial Administration System of the Public Sector. | 14/06/2004 | Costa Rica |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Art59_Ley_Organica_Sistema_Bancario_Nacional.pdf | Regulations for Article 59 of the Organic Law of the National Banking System (Spanish) | Private banks should inform Sugef about the option so they are entitled to take deposits through current accounts, or otherwise create four agencies or branches in the areas indicated by law, and lend 10% of the funds taken in with 30-day maturity dates or less. | 20/09/2000 | Costa Rica |
| | /en/legal-framework/DocsRegulations/Reglamento_Otorg_Credito_Grupos_Interes_Economico_BCCR.pdf | Regulations on Granting Credit to Groups of Economic Interest (Spanish) | ECONOMIC STAKEHOLDERS (i.e., individuals or juridical persons with shares of capital in banks or non-banking financial firms, or anyone related by kinship or by administrative hierarchy with its Board Members, Managers, Internal Auditors, Representatives with a General or Unlimited Power of Attorney, Partners, or otherwise anyone having relations or common economic interests) are defined pursuant to the criteria under these Regulations. | 29/03/1990 | BCCR |